Arabic—The number in the Arabic column indicates the quantity of prints constituting the numbered part of the edition.
For example, 50 indicates that the Arabic numbered edition includes fifty prints, numbered 1/50 through 50/50.
Arches 88—This smooth paper is bright white.
It is a mouldmade, waterleaf paper that consists of 100 percent cotton and is acid free.
AP—AP is an abbreviation for artist proof.
BAT—BAT is an abbreviation for Bon a Tirer.
This print represents the resolution of any issues pertaining to the trial proofs, and represents the standard to which prints in the edition will conform.
Chop—The chop is the printer’s mark, embossed into the paper on which an image is printed.
Colors—Colors refers to the number of colors of ink used to produce an image.
German Etching Paper—The etching paper Wayne Kimball uses to print Al’s drawings is a mouldmade paper that comes from Germany.
The paper is an acid-free waterleaf consisting of 75 percent cotton and 25 percent high alpha.
Paper—There are three different papers used throughout the editions for printing:
Arches 88,
Rives BFK, and
German Etching Paper.
Rives BFK—This gray mouldmade paper is manufactured in France.
The paper is 100 percent cotton, and is acid free.
TP—TP is an abbreviation for trial proof.
Trial proofs are printed as part of the printer’s determination of how to deal with an image.
These proofs are also evaluated by the artist and printer prior to edition printing to determine how the image should be printed.
WP—WP is an abbreviation for workshop proof.