Vol. 19 No. 3 - Dandelion Cottage

Vol. 19 No. 3 - Dandelion Cottage

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111th issue of The Storybook Home Journal™. Made & Printed in the USA. Categories: Carroll Watson Rankin, Dandelion Cottage, Magazine & Nancy Young

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Vol. 19 No. 3 of The Storybook Home Journal

Dandelion Cottage

What's in this issue?

A Splendid Sideboard the Decorating article

For middle class families of the kind represented in the novel, the dining room was not the special events arena that it so often is today.  With the exception of late-risers, rowdy toddlers or midnight snackers, every meal was eaten there every day.  Credenza-like, the crafty sideboard did, and can still do, more.

Between Everyone the Hearth article

There are times in entertaining where it can feel that the very kindest gift a guest could possibly bring to the dinner isn't a bouquet of flowers, a basket of fresh fruit, expensive candles, exotic cheeses or a box of biscotti, but a simple phone call saying they can't come.  Children, unless they're very young, are perfect first responders.

Be Very Entertaining the Kitchen article

We provide not only some twenty-first century twists on the meal that reunited squabbling siblings in Dandelion Cottage, but also a practicum inspired by the novel, on the best tactics to give something of a ritzy Savoy service to the meal; though with a homegrown, hometown touch.  Recipes include:  Roasted Tomato Soup, Tomato Soup Concentrate, Escoffier's Basic Béchamel & White Sauce, Salmon Poached in Court Bouillon, To make Escalloped Salmon, For Cold Marmalade and Sesame Salmon, Mrs. Crane's Light Dandelion Tea Bread, Tanner's Make Ahead Meringues.

Behind the Organ the Music article

Considered the largest and most complex technical invention prior to telephone relay systems, nonelectronic pipe organs are tremendously difficult to build and maintain.  This installment of the Music Box steps into the story by briefly describing why it could take several days to tune a pipe organ.

Their Precious Petunias the Garden article

Among exotic flowers returning from farflung explorations in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, the petunia wasn't much of an eye-catcher.  This engaging history of the petunia includes suggestions on how to grow them from cuttings.

Exactly Right the Workshop article

If you, like those in the days of Dandelion Cottage, prefer the pristine to the shabbily chic, or simply wish to clean up the scuff marks from last week's vacuuming and restore furnishings to the finish of glory days, these guidelines can spruce up your pine and add a glisten to your spring cleaning chores.

Little Things Count for a Great Deal, Sometimes the Bookshelf article

Caroll's writing career found not only its greatest audience, but its most enduring legacy in the writing she did for children, notwithstanding her writing for the likes of Harper's, The Ladies' Home Companion, and Leslie's Monthly Magazine as part of a lifelong endeavor she precociously began as a child.

The Eyne of Erigal the Writer's Garret article

Carrick tells Seymore of the lytfolc ancestors of the Scribes of Erigal, whose ancient progenitors dwelt in a city upon the slopes of Mount Erigal, in the north of Ireland, when the stars had been brighter and closer to the earth.

From the Newsroom

6 years ago
New Issue of the Storybook Home Shipped - Dandelion Cottage

By Al R. Young The Dandelion Cottage issue of The Storybook Home Journal is now available from Al Young Studios.  This issue features these regular sections:Decorating - A Splendid Sideboard (2 pages)Hearth - Between Everyone (3 pages)Kitchen - Be Very Entertaining (9 pages)Music - Behind the Organ (1 page)Garden - Their Precious Petunias (2 pages)Workshops - Exactly Right (1 page)Bookshelf - Little Things Count for a Great Deal, Sometimes (2 pages)Garret - The Eyne of Erigal (2 pages)Dandelion Cottage is the 117th issue of the Journal, published bi-monthly since November 2000... Read more »

Tags: Vol. 19 No. 3, 2019, News, The Storybook Home Journal issues

6 years ago
Storybook Life (overview)

By Nancy Young
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