Vol. 20 No. 1 - The Christmas that Changed Everything

Vol. 20 No. 1 - The Christmas that Changed Everything

$9.50 USD

115th issue of The Storybook Home Journal™. Made & Printed in the USA. Categories: Christmas, Karen J. Ashton, Magazine, Nancy Young & The Christmas that Changed Everything

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Vol. 20 No. 1 of The Storybook Home Journal

The Christmas that Changed Everything

What's in this issue?

Keeping Cozy the Decorating article

With a little domestic-and-décor savvy the marks of magic can further enliven the nights before Christmas and then live on well past Christmas Morning into the wintry days of the New Year.

They Were Exquisite! the Hearth article

Elspeth designed these paper chains inspired by her own illustrations.


Karen's mother was very familiar with the triumph of coming up with toothsome-somethings out of seeming-nothings: all those dishes that might have a title but had no exact recipe or instructions beyond immediate necessity and impressive ingenuity.  Recipes include—Harvest the Fridge: Soups and Stews; Glean the Table: Breads and Cakes; After-Breakfast Bread; Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake; Pull Apart the Pantry: Sweet Crepes; Sweet Breadcrumb Crepes; Karen's Cheese Crackers

One of My Favorite Christmas Carols the Music article

Whether it is the cold long nights of midwinter softened by families gathered to sing together or the power of memory and childhood coming alive again, there is an undeniable, palpable mysticism surrounding the music of the festive season, which is enough to draw out sweet memories and heartfelt singing from even the most ardent musical philistine or pedestrian dilettante.

At Least One Snowman the Garden article

Maybe this year, the simple act of stopping to craft some snow people would be an equally memorable and precious gift for any Christmas-captivated child.  In that spirit, we offer some ideas for creating snow people whether the weather helps out or not.

Lovingly Worked Magic the Workshop article

Here is a quick compendium for working magic in an at-home doll hospital—a doll-sized guide to tips and tricks that easily solve the ills which often befall the dolls of Karen's day and beyond.

The Book that Changed Everything the Bookshelf article

Elspeth recounts the moment in her early childhood when she the concept of illustration captured her heart, and then the thirty-two year journey that finally brought her to her dream come true.

Things as they Really Are the Writer's Garret article

In the context of contemporary ideas about fact and historical accuracy, in terms of creative endeavors like illustration, this essay focuses on the fact that it takes a spirit to portray things that are, at their essence, spiritual; that such portrayals involve the same liberties that the Spirit takes in creating all things.

From the Newsroom

5 years ago
New Issue of the Storybook Home Shipped - The Christmas that Changed Everything

By Al R. Young The The Christmas that Changed Everything issue of The Storybook Home Journal is now available from Al Young Studios.  This issue features these regular sections:Decorating - Keeping Cozy (2 pages)Hearth - They Were Exquisite! (2 pages)Kitchen - (6 pages)Music - One of My Favorite Christmas Carols (2 pages)Garden - At Least One Snowman (4 pages)Workshops - Lovingly Worked Magic (3 pages)Bookshelf - The Book that Changed Everything (4 pages)Garret - Things as they Really Are (2 pages)The Christmas that Changed Everything is the 121st issue of the Journal, published bi-monthly since November 2000... Read more »

Tags: Vol. 20 No. 1, 2019, News, The Storybook Home Journal issues

6 years ago
Storybook Life (overview)

By Nancy Young
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.storybook life is a trademark of al young studios... Read more »

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