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Al Young Studios Newsroom
Portfolios Articles

Elspeth's selected portfolio

By Elspeth C. Young

oil paintingsClick on any of the following image swatches to open a page featuring the complete artwork and links to information about purchasing the original, purchasing prints, using the image as an illustation, or commentary about the creation of the original.
oil paintings created as a collaboration between
elspeth c. young and al r. young

portraitsImages will be selected primarily from commissions.
watercolor paintingsImages will feature book illustrations and other published materials... Read more »

Tags: 2021, Portfolios

Al's selected portfolio

By Al R. Young

oil paintingsClick on any of the following image swatches to open a page featuring the complete artwork and links to information about purchasing the original, purchasing prints, using the image as an illustation, or commentary about the creation of the original.
oil paintings created as a collaboration between
elspeth c. young and al r. young

limited edition lithographs
drawn by al r. young and printed by wayne kimballImages from the Studios' commercial portfolio will be added here... Read more »

Tags: 2021, Portfolios

Portfolio of original artworks created for The Isles of Rune Project

By Al R. Young Click on any of the following images to open a page about the artwork.  The page links to information about purchasing the original, purchasing prints, using the image as an illustation, or learning about the artist's creation of the original.... Read more »

Tags: 2021, Portfolios

Portfolio: Maps of Bible Lands

By Al R. Young
This portfolio presents maps created by the Artists of Al Young Studios for use in either commercial or non-profit publications and media.  If you are interested in applying to the Studios for a license to reproduce any of these maps, please follow the instructions at Guidelines for requests to copy or publish artworks created by the Artists of Al Young Studios.  The Studios will respond as quickly as possible.

If you are interested in commissioning the Studios to create maps and other illustrations, please see Guidelines for commissioning Al Young Studios to create illustrations

Each thumbnail in this portfolio links to a page presenting the entire image... Read more »

Tags: 2014, Portfolios

Portfolio: Material Cultures of the Bible

By Al R. Young
This portfolio presents drawings created by the Artists of Al Young Studios that can be used as illustrations for material cultures of the Old and New Testaments.  Digital copies of each illustration are available from Al Young Studios for use in either commercial or non-profit publications and media.  If you are interested in applying to the Studios for a license to reproduce any of these original artworks, please follow the instructions at Guidelines for requests to copy or publish artworks created by the Artists of Al Young Studios... Read more »

Tags: 2014, News, Portfolios