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James and Lucinda Pace

Photograph by Tanner M. Young
Photograph by Tanner M. Young
The grandchildren of Lucinda Pace (1805-1897) extolled her as a woman commanding a wonderful disposition, very quiet and mild . . . highly educated and the source from which [her children] received [their] early training in music, arithmetic, grammar, as well as the rudiments of education, being a great reader of church works.  Her biography also states that she went through all the hardships of the early pioneers with a firm and steadfast faith in God, never complaining for she felt that the Father could have caused conditions to have been different if He had so willed it.  In 1842, she received a patriarchal blessing from Hyrum Smith in which she was commended for the integrity of her heart.

Together with her husband, James Pace, and two other families, Lucinda founded the city of Payson, Utah.  The settlement, originally known as Peteetneet, was renamed Pacen in honor of James, whom Brigham Young called to be the first branch president in the area.

The temple was at the center of Lucinda's life.  She and James sacrificed to help build the Nauvoo Temple and Lucinda watched over their family while James guarded the edifice during the expulsion of the Saints from Illinois.

Their stay in Winter Quarters lasted longer than most families' sojourn there because of financial hardships that prevented their early departure for the Salt Lake Valley.  Lucinda supported her husband and cared for their growing family during all three of the missions to which James was called (one to Arkansas and two to England), as well as his 18-month service in the Mormon Battalion—a time tersely described by James as adverse circumstances for Lucinda.

The following text derives from Jame Pace's diary:
Costume Study (watercolor and acrylic sketch) for Lucinda Pace in Blessed, Honored Pioneer by Elspet...
Costume Study (watercolor and acrylic sketch) for Lucinda Pace in
Blessed, Honored Pioneer by Elspeth C. Young
I grew to manhood and married Lucinda G Strickland Mach 20th 1831 . . . April 1839 I herd the first discourse on Mormonism from Elder Dominicus Carter, and on the 14th Inst myself and wife were baptised and confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints under his hands . . . On the 2nd day of June following I started for the City of Nauvoo. . . with my Family and affects . . . On the 13th I visited and was introduced to the Prophet Joseph Smith . . . . I was counsilled to locate in the City, which I did and soon after commenced work upon the Temple . . . . May the 19th 1844 I started on a mission to the Stake of Arkansas, where I arrived Preached and baptised several, returning Home the ensuing July . . . . January 10th 1846 I had my wife sealed to me in the Temple . . . preparations were being made for the departure of the Saints from Nauvoo, in consequence of the over powering mobocratic influence that surrounded us on every side . . . February 8th 1846 I succeeded in removing my Family across the River in the night leaving Houses and lands to the mercy of a ruthless mob, not knowing or caring where our Journey would terminate, leaving my Family . . . I returned back to Nauvoo and stood my guard . . . I was on the front of the Temple when it took fire and assisted in extinguishing it. On the 12th I Joined the camp on Sugar Creek with my Family, and traveled with them through mud rain and Snow, as far as Mount Pisgah . . . Commenced ploughing sowing and planting and making preparations to remain over Winter . . . but on the 6th day of July I was called upon by Prest. Young to Join the Mormon Battalion . . . . On the morning of the 8th [1847] we parted with those returning to Calafornia, and proceeded on our way to great Salt Lake Valley . . . On arriving at the head of Echo Kanyaon a heavy snow fell upon us, and from this time on it continued to storm most of the time during the entire trip . . . Traveling through snow and storms we arrived at Winter Quarters on the Missouri River . . . Here I found my wife [and] Family in good health though in rather adverse circumstnaces. About the 1st of May I loaded up and started for the Vallies, upon arriving at the Bluffs, I was organised with a company and elected Capt. of a hundred . . . Arriving in G.S.L. City September the 23rd. I received a hearty welcome by Prest. Young who requested me to go to South and locate on Peteetneet Creek in the South end of Utah Valley. I immediately started for this place . . . and arrived on Peteetneet Creek Oct. 20th 1850 with my Family . . . . Early in the year 51 our numbers were considerably increased by emigrants . . . and in March we had a visit from Prest. Young and Suit when we were organised into a Branch of the Church, I was chosen President . . . after which Prest Young names the place Payson. During the remainder of the Season nothing of importance transpired excepting the ordinary routine of trials, confusions, and difficulties attending the building up of a new settlement . . . . At a Conference held in S.L.C. City on 28th of August [1852] I was called to take a mission to England . . . I bid adieu to my family in Payson, and started to fulfill this appointment.

A biographical sketch of the life of James Pace, undated, by James Pace and with a note by Mary Adelia Pace Tyler (Church History Library).
Biography of Lucinda Gibson Strickland Pace, undated, by Erma Epsy Pace Petersen (Church History Library).
Peteetneet Town, A History of Payson, Utah by Madoline Cloward Dixon (Provo: Free Publishing Ltm., 1974).
Excerpts from the Autobiography of James Pace, transcribed from the original by Elspeth C. Young (original spelling and punctuation preserved).

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