Al Young Studios Newsroom

A portable drying rack for ornamental panels

The work flow and space involved in creating ornamental panels for the Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley conference center renovation project required that we create a free-standing rack on which painted panels might dry in the studio where they were painted.  This rack temporarily increased the drying-shelf capacity of that studio.  The goal was to uncouple the rosemalling from the spray tent so that rosemalling could be completed simultaneously with work under way in the tent.

The following photographs show the rack built for the purpose.

The bottom of the studio's wall-mounted easel is visible behind the portable drying rack.  Clamped to the easel is the panel for another painting, in progress concurrently with the Stein Eriksen project.  Space utilization and flexibility in terms of work flow are important considerations in ongoing studio operation, which must constantly reconcile not only the competing demands of diverse projects, but the safety of the artist and any artworks present.  The base of the A-frame easel is also visible to the right of the portable dying rack.  It is the easel on which the ornamental panels were painted.
Panels, shown below, are drying in the portable rack.  Panels already dry are stacked--two or three panels deep--on the permanent drying shelf in the PenterHaven studio where Elspeth painted them.

Following the project, the portable rack was dismantled and its parts recycled.

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Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley conference center project.
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The Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley
Conference Center Project

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