Al Young Studios Newsroom

The Papers of Seymore Wainscott — Travels-in-Scotland volume 2 now available

Travels in ScotlandVolume 2
Travels in Scotland
Volume 2

As Seymore takes the first steps of his journey into the heart of Scotland, he starts to realize that he belongs to the setting and the heritage in which he finds himself.  He doesn't want to leave Lanham and Virginia's tidewater, but to bring Scotland home with him—at least those things that he can use to make his own home better.  Always curious about the how and why of things, Seymore continues to pursue his own questions about creativity and community.  He records his thoughts about these things in his diary, but there's also plenty of travel just to be enjoyed in that playful sense in which creativity always meets new experience—not knowing how or when or whether something will ever prove useful.

Landscape by Alexander Kellock Brown is presented courtesy of The Athenaeum.

Tags: Travels in Scotland Vol. 2, 2017, News, Novellas

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