Al Young Studios Newsroom

Playing at "Miss Potter"


Spending a "Sawrey Summer with Beatrix Potter" last year, inspired my pen.  While working on that issue's Hearth article, I had the pleasurable experience of learning firsthand from the whimsey of Miss Potter's artistry and visual cleverness.  The article featured a pen-and-ink and watercolor lesson encapsulating what I'd learned by studying her work--Peter Rabbit in particular.  I little dreamed, however, that I'd be back at it again this year, creating my own original pen-and-ink productions for a new series of publications by my father which are soon-to-come, but so it is.

Subscribers and readers know all about Seymore Wainscott--colonial historian (and mouse)--the serialized "Writer's Garret" portion printed in the Journal since our Persuasion issue in 2006, but at last, Seymore is setting sail in his own volumes.  Together with my father and brother, Ashton, I am privileged to add some artistic scribblings of my own to the myriad illustrations for the project.  Below is a sneak peek of my latest work (Seymore, himself is pictured center, 17th century Dutch colonists, below).

Tags: 2012, Illustration

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