Summering in Sawrey is at last on its way, regrettably slowed by Al's chemotherapy and hospital time, as well as some surgery on my part (with a second surgery to come soon.) Thanks to all our subscribers for their patience, as well as their concern and prayers!
The "Good Bunny Supper Cake" featured on pages 16 and 17 of The Kitchen—though more authentic to Peter Rabbit's tale when fixed with blackberries—may be even better with this summer's blueberries substituted for an equal amount of the seedless blackberries called for in the recipe. We combined it with the whole wheat flour choice given in the recipe to gone-in-no-time, delectable results. Elspeth gave it a quick swirl of a garden robin inspired by Miss Potter's endpapers, to finish the effect. Whether with blackberries, blueberries—or raspberries or strawberries—it's a wonderfully quick and palate-pleasing cake.
We're long-time fans of Tricia Foley's books and articles, and were delighted to find her latest blog, The Table, which joins her other blogs as yet another inspiring place to feast the eyes. While waiting on the Summering in Sawrey issue, squeeze under the gate as Peter did, and savor her Beatrix Potter table settings from April 10, 2011 originally included in her book, At Home With Wedgwood: The Art of the Table. The lovely book from 2009, with text by another delightful contributor from the days of the original Victoria Magazine, Catherine Calvert, is available from online sources and in bookstores.