Al Young Studios Newsroom

A string bag fit for Mr. Alderman Ptolemy Tortoise

  "And Mr. Alderman Ptolemy Tortoise brought a salad with him in a string bag." ~The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher

Illustration by Beatrix Potter
Though originally designed with Eric Kastner's thoroughly delightful  Emil and the Detectives in mind, Elspeth's unique pattern for a whimsical string market bag is also an excellent fit for the Alderman's "string bag" seen in Beatrix Potter's illustration from The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (pictured below right).

So, while we're busily working away on the upcoming summer issue celebrating Beatrix's beloved Tales, you might pull out your Emil issue and have some hand-crafting fun.

When we published it in summer 2009, there wasn't room within the Hearth article featuring the full crochet pattern to discuss the yarn Elspeth chose for her bag, so we share it here: Lily's Sugar and Cream 0004 Ecru seemed to us the perfect cotton--as creamy to handle as it is to the eye, and a delicious neutral to make groceries look good.  Any cheerful Sugar and Cream color would brighten a summer shopping day, however, if you're bringing a salad to a party as vegetarian Mr. Tortoise did, you might choose "Country Red," as it may be the nearest color match to Beatrix's illustration. Their yarns are 100% cotton, and therefore wash and wear well.

Tags: Vol. 9 No. 5, 2011, Hand crafts

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