Al Young Studios Newsroom

When mangoes are at the market


From Curtis Botanical Magazine
 Of course, mangoes are a luxuriant fruit when eaten fresh—richly perfumed and slightly tart.  But if you catch a really good sale—or if the fruit gets overripe, or never seems to get quite ripe enough—try this easy-to-create, pectin-free jam.  It's wonderful on toast, waffles, omelets, yogurt or ice cream. If the sugar is omitted, or greatly reduced, it also makes a fabulous sauce for fish, curried meat, or slathered onto really good bread as a substitute for mayo in turkey or roast beef sandwiches. Use less sugar if the fruit is very ripe, and up to a cup if the mangoes are a bit under ripe.  It makes around 1&1/2- 2 cups of "Mango Butter."

Mango Butter
by Nancy Young
2 cups chopped mango (about 5-8 mangoes, depending on size)
½ cup water
About ¾ cups raw sugar (optional)
1 teaspoon butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Puree the mango and water together in a blender or food processor until smooth.  Pour into a 2-quart cast iron enamel or other heavy casserole dish—if using Pyrex lower the cooking temperature to 375 degrees.  Stir in the sugar and butter, and place the baking dish, uncovered, into the oven.  Cook until bubbling and reduced by about half (the jam will become more jewel-like in color and much less clouded).  Check after 20 minutes, and every 5-10 minutes thereafter—it may take up to 45 minutes.  The edges of the casserole may burn a bit, sending out a bit of eau de Jack-O-Lantern, but the jam itself should never be allowed to burn.

Tags: 2011, Recipes by Nancy Young

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