Al Young Studios Newsroom

Contacting Al Young Studios

Contact  information
contact  information

Email is the preferred point of contact for us because it is the communication channel most constantly monitored by all of us.  We also prefer email because the channel is open 24 hours a day seven days a week and, frankly, is much more reliably monitored than telephone messages.  Neither emails nor telephone messages are jobbed-out to a 3rd party, but are received directly by the Studios.

Messages sent via social media flow into the stream of digital communications received at the Studios; nevertheless, while these communications may be monitored, they are not subject to the same rigor as communications received via our commercial site or voice messages left on the Studios' land-line telephone system.
Please do not rely on texting or social media to communicate with the Studios about product availability, shipment, orders damaged in transit, consulting projects, or any other matter of moment.
Telephone contact is subject to the following schedule of hours of operation as well as work and call-traffic volumes.  Messages left through the Studios' telephone system are monitored and addressed as soon as possible.  This is the Studios' telephone number:
These are the Studios' hours of operation.  These are not hours during which patrons and guests are welcome to simply drop by.  These are hours during which much of the work of the Studios is done.  We publish these hours to indicate when a telephone call or an email is more likely to come to the immediate attention of the Artists of Al Young Studios.  These are not "store-front" hours.  We do not maintain a store front.  (Please read more, below.)
Monday - Friday  09:00 - 17:00  Mountain Time, MST/MDT
This is the mailing address for the Studios:
Al Young Studios
684 West 1400 North
Orem, Utah USA 84057-2587
In-store pick-up has been permanently discontinued.

Because of ongoing immunity issues associated primarily (though not exclusively) with Al's leukemia and associated hemolytic anemia, the Studios' address is not a business location open for anyone to drop in unannounced.  Furthermore, we do not stock merchandise, but print only on-demand through vendors who do so only upon receipt of a pre-paid order.

If an original artwork, by any of the Artists of Al Young Studios, is listed on this Internet site as being for sale, it can be viewed by scheduling an appointment to visit the Studios; however, there are inflexible parameters governing such appointments.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.  Over the growing number of years we have lived with these circumstances, we have deeply appreciated the overwhelming thoughtfulness and consideration we have encountered in connection with these stipulations:

No one under the age of 12 can be admitted.  No more than three people can be accommodated at any time.  No one who has symptoms of any illness or who has recently been exposed to any illness can be admitted.  Everyone participating must wear a mask at all times.  We will ask whether you have been vaccinated for COVID19.

If the original artwork in question is less than 3 ft. x 6 ft., we may be able to make the artwork available for viewing in our plein air studio—weather and other conditions permitting.  In any case, we welcome inquiries from patrons interested in purchasing artwork, but cannot presently accommodate casual vistors.  Of course, we are pleased to entertain prospective commissions, concerning which a telephone call or email is sufficient to initiate a conversation.  We do not, however, work on speculation.

Tags: 2021, Operations announcements

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Browse articles by topic: Art lessons . BenHaven Archives . Blank art diaries . Fine art photography . Framing . Illustration . Inspiration and creativity . Isles of Rune . Limited Editions Collection . My Fathers Captivity . News . Novellas . Oil paintings and prints . Operations announcements . Orders and shipping . Overview . Portfolios . The Papers of Seymore Wainscott . Project commentaries . Recipes by Nancy Young . Recommended reading . Recommended viewing . Temple artworks . The Storybook Home Journal . Tips and techniques . Tools supplies and operations