Blank Art Diaries: In Their Footsteps features pioneer commentaries and original artworks from Al Young Studios
By Al R. Young
In Their Footsteps
This blank-book journal sells for $32 (plus shipping) direct from Al Young Studios. Printed in full color on heavy paper, the book is bound with black plastic spiral to rest flat when open.
In Their Footsteps: A Personal Journal features 29 original artworks consisting of 18 original oil paintings from the Artists of Al Young Studios, 2 images from the Studios' Limited Editions Collection, four artworks from Ashton' private portfolio, and five pencil drawings from Al's private portfolio.
Opposite the illustration pages are 53 ruled pages that can be used as a journal or diary. Each of the 52 illustration pages also features an inspiring commentary.
Sample double-page spread
The following original artworks are featured in the journal. They are listed, here, according to the Studios' portfolios to which they belong:
from ashton young's illustration and private portfolios
Handcart, pen & ink on paper Mother's Rose, lithograph Salt Lake Temple Doorplate, pen & ink on paper Window At The Assembly Hall, lithograph
from al r. young's private portfolios
Pine Valley Meeting House, graphite pencil The Beehive House, graphite pencil The Manti Temple, graphite pencil The Morning Breaks, graphite pencil The St. George Temple, graphite pencil