Al Young Studios Newsroom

My Father's Captivity: Theme

My Father's Captivity by Al R. Young
My Father's Captivity by Al R. Young
 The story told in My Father's Captivity begins with these words, which set forth the theme of the whole:
Every story in this world is part of another story.  Before the beginning, it was decreed that it should be so by Him to whom all words and worlds belong.  If a story be true and truly told, no matter how small it is it will be like that story, greatest of all, of which it is a part.  There is but One Word in this world by which all other words are judged, One Story by which are measured all the rest.

Thus, if in this or any story the soul is pinned in pain to the rough-hewn timber of this world, that yields to neither flesh nor bone, and if upon that timber the parched soul is splayed by iron to burn before the gaze of every eye, if spears of doubt and gloom and fear twine round the mind in ever tightening circlet of despair, and if the soul is made to weep not by the floodgates of the eyes, but by the breaking of the fountains of the heart, then, by the measure of that Greatest Truth of all, we may with certainty hope that in the story's end we shall behold the glory of an everlasting dawn.

Tags: 2012, My Fathers Captivity

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