All artworks in the Temple Fine Art Collection have been acquired by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for presentation in temples constructed and maintained by the Church. Because "Latter-day Saint temples are considered houses of God, a place of holiness and peace separate from the preoccupations of the world," (see Temples in the online Newsroom of The Church of Jesus Christ) the Church acquires not only the original paintings produced for presentation in its temples, but all copyrights to the artworks as well. Consequently, Al Young Studios no longer owns copyrights to these paintings and cannot offer reproductions of them in any form.
We frequently receive inquiries from temple patrons as well as visitors to temple open houses sponsored by the Church. Inasmuch as the Studios holds no copyrights to any artwork in the Temple Art Collection, the Studios cannot make, distribute, or sell prints of any of these artworks nor can we authorize the use of these images in any way. Furthermore, the Studios is not kept apprised of the Church’s current policies governing its copyrighted materials.