Al Young Studios Newsroom

Guidelines for requests to copy or publish artworks created by the Artists of Al Young Studios

License  requests
license  requests

To initiate a request for permission to reproduce images of artworks created by the Artists of Al Young Studios, please email to us the following information.  Answering these questions at the outset of your inquiry expedites our review of the application.

1.   Identify each artwork, in which you are interested, by title and serial number.  Click here to browse the Studios' illustration portfolios.

2.   Description of intended use to be made of the image(s), such as the nature of the publication, presentation of the image in the publication, and media in which the publication will be distributed.

3.   Anticipated extent of distribution, such as quantity to be published, volume of traffic to which the image will be presented, use of the image(s) in promotional material (online, print, and other media) about the publication, etc.

4.   Name and contact information for person and/or organization applying for the license.

5.   Links to information about the publisher, deemed relevant to an evaluation of the application for a license.

6.   Approximate anticipated size (in inches) of published image (such as 6x9, 8x10, etc.) and necessary dots per inch (dpi)—such as 300dpi, 600dpi—or provide an absolute pixel-dimension, such as 4000px  x  6000px.

7.   Digital format needed (TIFF, JPG, etc.).

8.   Desired method of receiving the digital file(s) to be published (FTP/SFTP, DVD, CD).

9.   Preferred form of payment, such as credit card—VISA, MasterCard, Discover—or check, etc.
When the foregoing information is complete, please email it to us.

If you are interested in commissioning Al Young Studios to create  illustrations, please see
Guidelines for commissioning Al Young Studios to create illustrations

Tags: 2014, Illustration, News, Operations announcements

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